How Do I Know If I Have Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus, often due to straining during bowel movements, constipation, or sitting for long periods. Pregnancy is also a common cause. The pressure makes veins bulge, causing pain and discomfort. But, how do you know if you have hemorrhoids and not something else? Today, we’re going to answer three common questions to help you figure it out and chat about how we can help you. Let’s get started.

How to Check for Hemorrhoids & Determine if You Really Have Them:

How Do I Check Myself for Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or around the anus and rectum. You can look for symptoms like anal itching, anal pain, or bright red blood on toilet tissue. 

There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids, inside the anus, and external hemorrhoids, at the anal opening. 

Self-check involves noticing the above symptoms, especially during bowel movements. For a definitive diagnosis, though, a medical examination will be needed.

Do Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

While some hemorrhoids can resolve without treatment, others require medical intervention, especially if they are severe. Persistent or severe symptoms should be evaluated by a specialist. 

How Do You Know if it's a Hemorrhoid or Not?

Hemorrhoids typically cause symptoms like anal itching, pain, and bleeding. However, similar symptoms can be caused by other conditions like anal fissures or infections, or even colorectal cancer. If you have a “hemorrhoid” that isn’t healing at all after a week, it’s important to get a professional diagnosis to rule out other conditions.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Options

Treatment depends on the severity. Mild cases, as we’ve mentioned, may improve with home remedies, but more severe cases might need medical procedures. These might include hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal), hemorrhoid banding (tying off the veins), or the THD system. Each treatment has its own benefits and recovery expectations.

At-Home Options for Soothing Hemorrhoids

For immediate relief at home, you can try warm sitz baths, over-the-counter creams, and increasing fiber intake to ease symptoms. Try to stay off of your hemorrhoids; opt to lay down or sit sideways so that you aren’t putting more pressure on the area. Also do not strain when having a bowel movement. After and between bowel movements, witch hazel can help reduce the pain and itching.

Need to Talk to a Specialist? Contact the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay

For more help, contact us at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. Our specialized approach to treating hemorrhoids and related conditions ensures you receive the best care and best chance for stopping future hemorrhoids. There’s no need to suffer any longer; let’s get you the care you deserve!