What Causes a Pilonidal Cyst?

Many doctors believe that these cysts are caused by an ingrown hair, but they can also appear due to trauma to that region of your body. 


If you're experiencing any of the symptoms combined below, it's time to give your colorectal specialists a call. Call our office directly to discuss your treatment options.

  • Pain and redness at the base of the spine
  • Pus or blood draining from the cysts
  • Tenderness to the touch
  • Persisting fever
  • Foul smelling pus


Diagnosing pilonidal cysts can be challenging because a lot of patients get them confused with other issues like hemorrhoids.

  • Doctors will diagnose your cyst during a physical exam
  • We will ask how long you've been experiencing symptoms and if you've had a fever
  • We'll also ask about your medications and supplements you take for connections

Treatment Options:

  • Incision and drainage: Best method, removal of hair follicles leaving the wound open
  • Marsupialization: Doctor cuts and drains the cyst and sews the edges of the cut to the wound edges to make a pouch
  • Incision, drainage and closing wound: This is similar to the first method but the wound is closed. This means you'll more likely to have issues with the cyst down the road, however.