Recognizing The Differences Between Anal Fissures And Hemorrhoids

Going to the bathroom shouldn’t be a pain in the you-know-what. Sure, every once in awhile it’s normal to feel some level of discomfort but it should never last for more than just a couple of days. In fact, if going to the bathroom has turned into a dreaded experience that leaves you in pain for hours or days, then there may be something serious going on.

When our patients report symptoms of painful bathroom visits, and blood in their stool or toilet paper, they usually believe that they may have a hemorrhoid. While sometimes their symptoms do reveal hemorrhoids, another common possibility for their symptoms is actually anal fissures.

The two conditions are pretty different from each other, but their symptoms are alike in many ways so we understand the confusion. If you’re wondering how anal fissures and hemorrhoids differ, read about them here as we discuss the characteristics of an anal fissure vs hemorrhoids.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are the result of pressure in the veins of the anus, which causes them to bulge and expand. These swollen, bulging veins tend to be very painful, especially when sitting. Hemorrhoids can occur either internally within the anal opening, or externally and bulge out from the anal opening.

Typically, the symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Anal itching

  • Regular anal pain

  • Bright red blood on toilet tissue

  • Pain during bowel movements

  • Hard tender lump near the anus

What Are Anal Fissures?

Anal fissures are the result of trauma to the inner lining of the anus. This usually occurs when a person has very tight anal sphincter muscles or they suffer from frequent constipation or diarrhea. The trauma causes the muscles in the anal sphincter to tear, causing “fissures.” This tearing can produce a lot of pain and cause the muscle to spasm, which results in decreased blood flow to the site of the injury and impairs healing. If this happens frequently then the anal fissure will not be able to heal.

Typically, the symptoms of anal fissures include:

  • Severe pain during and after a bowel movement

  • Bright red blood on the toilet tissue or stool

What Is The Difference: Anal Fissures vs Hemorrhoids?

One of the main differences between anal fissures and hemorrhoids is that anal fissures tend to only show symptoms during bowel movements, while hemorrhoids tend to be painful throughout the day. Without an examination, this difference in symptoms is usually very telling of what condition the patient is suffering from.

Another big difference is that the majority of anal fissures do not require surgery and can typically be resolved with stool softeners and a high-fiber diet. Meanwhile, hemorrhoids typically require at least a noninvasive procedure.

More Information

There are plenty of differences between anal fissures and hemorrhoids but that doesn’t mean that it’s up to you to figure them out. Our colorectal specialists are specially trained in their fields to help you out with whatever you colorectal concern is. To learn more about anal fissures vs hemorrhoids, feel free to contact us or to see a specialist, book an appointment today!