10 Yoga Poses For Improving Your Colon Health

10 Yoga Poses For Improving Your Colon Health

Did you know that yoga can improve your digestive flow? Yoga offers many benefits to your physical well-being, including improved colon health. Since it’s National Yoga Awareness Month, we’re sharing 10 poses that are designed to improve digestive flow, (aiding conditions like IBS), by improving digestion and eliminating toxins from the body!

The Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Colorectal Procedures

The Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Colorectal Procedures

Discover the benefits of robotic surgery for colorectal procedures at Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, including precision, faster recovery, and reduced risks.

Diet & Lifestyle Tips for a Healthy Colon

Diet & Lifestyle Tips for a Healthy Colon

Keep your colon healthy with simple diet and lifestyle changes! Incorporate fiber-rich foods, stay hydrated, and maintain a balanced diet to support your digestive system. Regular exercise, limiting alcohol, and avoiding smoking can further reduce your risk of colorectal issues. Don't forget to schedule regular screenings for early detection. Prioritize your colon health today for a better tomorrow!

How to Avoid Gluten Foods if You Have Celiac Disease

How to Avoid Gluten Foods if You Have Celiac Disease

Do you or a loved one suffer from celiac disease? If so, you’re not alone. It’s thought that about 1 in 133 Americans has this condition, making it more common than Crohn’s or MS. Unfortunately, many American comfort food dishes and staples of the Standard American Diet are loaded with gluten. If you haven’t been diagnosed with celiac disease but suspect that gluten might be causing your uncomfortable symptoms, get in touch with a colorectal specialist right away. In this post, we’ll answer a common question: what is the main cause of celiac disease? We’ll also take a look at foods that contain gluten and foods to avoid if you have celiac disease.