do I need a colonoscopy

Screening for Colon Cancer: The Classic Colonoscopy

Screening for Colon Cancer: The Classic Colonoscopy

The most common type of colon cancer screening is of course, the colonoscopy. But what happens during a colonoscopy, when should you get a colonoscopy, and how do you prepare for a colonoscopy? We answer all these questions and more in our overview of the colonoscopy.

Life With Familial Polyposis: Diagnosis, Symptoms, & Treatment

Life With Familial Polyposis: Diagnosis, Symptoms, & Treatment

Living with familial polyposis can be challenging. From the symptoms of familial adenomatous polyposis, to the constant FAP treatment needed to prevent colon cancer from developing, it's something you'll have to stay on top of for the rest of your life. So let's talk about how to deal with it.