how to help constipation

When To Be Concerned: How Long Should Constipation Last?

When To Be Concerned: How Long Should Constipation Last?

Can constipation last for days? When should you be concerned? Knowing the root cause of your constipation will help you avoid it in the future, and when to seek professional help. Let’s go over what a normal timeline for bowel movements looks like, things you can do to find constipation relief, and how a colorectal specialist can help you with your bowel problems!

Baby Constipation: When To Worry About Your Newborn

Baby Constipation: When To Worry About Your Newborn

For many new parents, constipation can be an alarming prospect to deal with in young children. After all, babies can’t describe what’s wrong or where it hurts, so you may have to do a little bit of detective work. Today we’re describing what symptoms to watch out to know if your baby is struggling with constipation, and when it’s necessary to call your pediatrician.