How to Mentally Prepare for Colon Surgery

If you have a colon surgery coming up, you’ll already know that there’s a lot of prep that you’ll put in before you even go under anesthesia. However, the physical preparation may only be half of it for you; some individuals get anxious about upcoming surgeries, for one reason or another. If that’s you, know that you aren’t alone. In this blog, we’re going to answer a few common questions: how do I prepare for a colectomy, what should I do the day before my surgery, and what helps with surgery anxiety?

How Do I Prepare for a Colectomy?

First and foremost, make sure you follow your surgeon’s pre-op instructions. This will ensure that you are best prepared for the surgery as they like to do it. This preparation will likely include eating healthy, exercising, and staying hydrated in the days leading up to your surgery. However, as most of us know, surgery preparation often goes beyond physical things. Surgery can be a stressful time for some people, and preparing yourself mentally may also be necessary.

What Should I Do the Day Before My Surgery?


As long as you’re on track with your pre-op instructions given to you by your surgeon, you should take the day to relax, manage any anxiety, and ensure that your affairs are in order before you are admitted to the hospital. Many patients don’t (or can’t) take this day off, but we highly recommend it, if possible.

What Helps With Surgery Anxiety?

If you’re anxious about your upcoming colectomy (or any other surgery), the best thing you can do is get your mind off of it. As long as you aren’t experiencing stress caused by past trauma, busying your mind is a great strategy. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can help yourself relax and avoid stress in the days before your upcoming surgery:


Meditation and variations of this activity (prayer, deep breathing, visualization, aromatherapy) are all great ways to relax your mind and your body. During this process, you may even find something to hold onto in the following days that will ground you and help to keep those anxious feelings away.

Warm Baths

Tip a drop of lavender oil into your bath and soak the evening away. Warm water is a simple solution to many of the days stressors; try taking a warm bath every night with the intention of relaxing and putting things out of your mind.

Do Something You Love

Another great way to both keep your mind off the upcoming surgery and relax your mind is to do something you love doing. For example, pick up painting again or that knitting project that has been hibernating.

Chat With Your Support System

Regardless of who you trust for this purpose, chat with them for a few minutes each day (or more) when you’re feeling anxious about the surgery. They will give you a valuable ear and might even have some great suggestions that may help you, personally. Plus, knowing that you have a support system can relieve some of the pressure and stress that you may be experiencing in regard to after-care.

Furthermore, if you have any questions for your care team, especially if you will be having surgery here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, get in touch right away. We might be able to eliminate your concerns!