anal cancer

What Is A Colorectal Specialist?

What Is A Colorectal Specialist?

If you are experiencing symptoms or discomfort in areas related to the lower digestive tract, including your colon, rectum, or anus, your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist may refer you to a colorectal specialist. That’s all well and good, but you may find yourself wondering what is a colorectal specialist? Below, we’ll discuss what makes a colorectal specialist different from other doctors in the field, what they treat, what makes a good colorectal specialist, and more.

The Difference Between Colon Cancer & Anal Cancer

The Difference Between Colon Cancer &  Anal Cancer

Colon cancer and anal cancer might sound, at first, like they are nearly identical; however, these diseases have totally different causes, presentation, and symptoms. Simply put, anal cancer and colon cancer are as different as skin cancer and cervical cancer. In fact, the anus is structurally different tissue than that of the colon; this is only where the distinctions begin.