colon cancer doctor

Colorectal Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Francisco Itriago

Colorectal Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Francisco Itriago

Here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, our patients are our top priority. For our very own colorectal doctor, Dr. Francisco Itriago, this is definitely the case. The Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay hires only the very best surgeons in the Tampa area so that you can trust and rely on every colon cancer doctor and colorectal specialist you see at our office. 

5 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer You Should Know About

5 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer You Should Know About

People with an increased risk of colorectal cancer should talk to their doctor about when to begin screening, which test is right for them, and how often to get screened. Several screening tests can be used to find polyps or colorectal cancer. Your doctor will help you decide which is right for you based on your individual needs. Below, we discuss five colon cancer screening tests you should know about.

What Is A Colectomy?

What Is A Colectomy?

Also known as a bowel resection or colon resection, a colectomy is a surgical procedure during which part of your bowel is removed. Learn what happens during a colectomy, why a colectomy is done, and what life after a colectomy will be like!

Are You At Risk? Make Sure You’re Aware of These 8 Risk Factors For Colon Cancer

Are You At Risk? Make Sure You’re Aware of These 8 Risk Factors For Colon Cancer

Are you at risk for colon cancer? Even if your risk factors are not hereditary, it's important to be aware of what risk factors can affect your chances. The risk of developing this disease is higher for people who have risk factors such as age, gender, and other health concerns. There are also risk factors that we can control like diet, exercise habits, smoking. Let's take a closer look at the risk factors for colon cancer.

The Difference Between Colon Cancer & Anal Cancer

The Difference Between Colon Cancer &  Anal Cancer

Colon cancer and anal cancer might sound, at first, like they are nearly identical; however, these diseases have totally different causes, presentation, and symptoms. Simply put, anal cancer and colon cancer are as different as skin cancer and cervical cancer. In fact, the anus is structurally different tissue than that of the colon; this is only where the distinctions begin.

4 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer

4 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer

The end of March is drawing near— and with it comes the end of Colon Cancer Awareness Month. However, we shouldn’t forget about colorectal cancer as we enter into April. Many patients think that they don’t need to be screened because they don’t have colon cancer symptoms; as we’ve discussed in a previous post, this simply isn’t the case. Everyone over the age of 40 should be screened regularly, and it doesn’t always have to be with a colonoscopy!

How You Can Support Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

How You Can Support Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

According to the CDC, “51,896 people died of colorectal cancer” in 2019. That was the second highest rate of all cancer fatalities, surpassed only by lung cancer. Considering that colorectal cancer can be detected and remedied in its early stages via screening, this figure is alarming. This March marks the twenty-first colorectal cancer awareness month; we invite you to spread the word, ask questions, and schedule your own screening if you are overdue.

Colorectal Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Francisco Itriago

Colorectal Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Francisco Itriago

At Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay we are lucky to be led by a team of incredible surgeons: Dr. Francisco Itriago, Dr. In Soon Park, and Dr. Jeffrey Mino. We are so proud to have these wonderful men on our team, and want to take some time to highlight their achievements and help you get to know them a little bit better. So, without further ado, let’s get to know a little more about Dr. Fancisco Itriago!

How To Prepare For Colon Cancer Surgery

How To Prepare For Colon Cancer Surgery

We understand that for patients, getting colon cancer surgery can be a huge source of unease, and we want to make the process as simple as possible for you by helping you understand exactly what you can expect from your colon cancer surgery process, including what happens during colon cancer surgery and how to prepare for colon cancer surgery.