common IBS symptoms — Colorectal Clinic Blog | How To Handle Colorectal Issues, Symptoms & Treatment — Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay

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common IBS symptoms

5 Common Symptoms Of IBS & How To Treat Them

5 Common Symptoms Of IBS & How To Treat Them

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a very common and chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. Regardless of how mild or severe your IBS is, the symptoms of IBS, which can differ from person to person, can be uncomfortable and frustrating. Below, we will discuss 5 common IBS symptoms and some helpful ways of treating IBS.

IBS Awareness Month: Exploring Common IBS Symptoms

IBS Awareness Month: Exploring Common IBS Symptoms

Although it’s one of the most common GI disorders in existence, IBS often goes undiagnosed. Many people struggle to recognize the symptoms of IBS, and oftentimes those who do notice that they’re experiencing symptoms still don’t know to associate them with IBS. Today we’ll talk you through what IBS is, as well as common IBS symptoms you should look out for.